Ismayilov Nariman Zeynalabdı is currently a Leading
Scientist of Shamakha Astrophysical Observatory of Azerbaijan National Academy
of Sciences (ShAO ANAS) and Head of the ShAO Department “Galaxies and
starformation”. He completed his doctorate the Faculty of Physics of Moscow
State University (n. after Shternberg State Astronomy Institute of Lomonosov
Moscow State University) during 1994-1998.
Teaching courses: Practical astronomy, astrophysics, celestial mechanics,
relativistic objects, observational equipment’s and methods, astronomy and
separate sections of physics. Today have more than 280 scientific publications,
one monograph about researches of young stars and two textbook about the
extra-atmospheric astronomy and practical astrophysics for university students.
Member: Member of the International Astronomical Union (1997), Member of the
European Astronomical Society (1999), Member of the Euro–Asian Astronomical
Society (1994), Member of the Editorial
Board, Scientific Journal “Circular of Shamakha Astrophysical Observatory”,
Baku, Azerbaijan, Member of the
Editorial Board, Scientific Journal “Azerbaijan Astronomical Journal”,
Baku, Member of the Editorial Board,
Scientific Journal “Astronomy and Astrophysics Transection”, Russia-Great
His research interest are: The Stellar Astrophysics, Spectral and photometric
investigation of Pre-Main sequence stars. Ae/Be Herbig stars, emission
spectrum. Photometric light-curve analysis methods. New type photometric classification. Spectral
energy distributions of young stars. New methods in astronomic observations.
Extrasolar planets. Active Galactic Nucleus. Starformation. Astronomical